Get listed at the Child Sponsor Directory!

Tell us about your project to get a free listing on our child sponsor pages!

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Are you a registered charity/NGO?

Name of Organisation:

Main country where you operate:


Tell us about your project including sponsor or volunteer work details. Please do not cut and paste from other sources but make your listing unique!

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Child Sponsor Directory Free Listing

Please complete this form and send it to us. We will strive to get your project listed within 72 working hours. Please note this is a free listing and we will never make any charge nor sell your contact details etc.

We reserve the right not to add your project details to our database and if we do add them we request you contact us should your project details change. Finally by submitting this form you undertake that your project is committed to upholding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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Child Sponsor Directory


Let your African adventure begin at the African Volunteer Network!

Child Sponsor Directory

Simply fill in and submit the above form for your free listing in our Child Sponsor directory. Its that simple! If you have any questions contact us through our online contact form.